How To Access The Paylocity Employee Portal –
Paylocity has various manuals located on their website which you will be able to view at anytime. You can access the Paylocity Employee Login portal with your company ID. Your company ID is the first field you fill in when logging in to Paylocity both on a desktop computer and in the mobile app.
Paylocity have strict security rules in place. They cannot access or share employee information with anyone other than the Paylocity administrator at each company. Please contact your HR department (even if you’re not employed there anymore) for additional support.
How To Register A New User
To create your Paylocity Self Service account, please follow the instructions below:
Access HR & Payroll at
- Select Register User to create a new User Name and confidential Password.
- Enter the Image Text displayed in the Register User screen.
- Select Next.
- Enter the Paylocity Company ID
- Enter Last Name.
- Enter a valid nine-digit Social Security Number (SSN).
- Re-enter the same valid SSN in the Confirm SSN field.
- Enter Home Zip Code.
- Enable the “I’m not a robot” reCAPTCHA checkbox.
- Select Continue
- . Enter the Username (not case-sensitive) and Password (this is case-sensitive) to use when accessing this account, taking into account specific requirements as noted.
- Enter the Password a second time in the Confirm Password field.
- Provide one of the following:
• Personal email address
• Mobile phone number - Select Next. Selected Username and Password must meet the rules noted to be valid.
- Select login Challenge Questions from the Question 1, Question 2, and Question 3 dropdown menus and enter corresponding answers.
- Select Next. There is an 80-character limit for Answer fields.
- Select Finish to create the new user account and enter HR & Payroll.
How To Access Paylocity Employee Login Portal
To maintain confidentiality, employees must contact their Company Administrator with questions. Paylocity is not authorized to speak directly with employees.
Following the steps below, you can access the Paylocity employee login portal 24 hours a day, seven days a week to manage your records. The portal is secure, confidential, and easy to use.
To Login,
- Go to
- Enter the Paylocity assigned Company ID.
- Enter the Username. Remember usernames are:
- Not case sensitive
- Contain 3 to 20 characters
- Can’t contain special characters other than . and _
- Enter the Password. Remember passwords are:
- ARE case sensitive
- Contain 8 to 72 characters
- Cannot be a repeat of your four previous passwords
- Must include 2 of the following 3 items:
- 1 or more numbers
- 1 or more uppercase letters and 1 or more lowercase letters
- 1 or more non-alphanumeric characters
- Check the Remember My Username box to have the system populate the Company ID and Username. Note this is must be set on each device by the individual.
- Verify all information is correct
- Select Login
Trouble Logging In?
- Click Forgot Company ID/Username? to retrieve your Company ID and Username.
- You will need: Last Name, Last 4 Digits of SSN, Zip Code & Phone or Email
- Click Forgot Password? to reset the password.
- You will need: Company ID, Username & Phone or Email
- Click Register new user if you are logging in for the first time.
- Follow the prompts on the screen
- Click Single sign-on login to login using your company’s SSO provider.
How To Access Your W-2s and Other Tax Forms
Desktop: After you log in to Paylocity, choose “Employee Payroll File” under “Employees” in the top menu bar. Select the “Pay” tab, click “Tax Forms,” choose the year. You’ll have the option to password protect the document or waive the protection, and then you can view the PDF file.
Mobile: Tap the menu at the top left, and choose “Pay.” Tap “Tax Forms” at the bottom right of your screen, and choose the year(s) you want. Tap the envelope icon at the top right to send this info to an email address. You’ll be prompted to create a password for the PDF by default.
If you are unable to access your employee account, contact your current or former employer’s HR department for additional support.
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